The Cure For Self-Consciousness

On This Page I'll Show You A Quick
Technique That Will Help You Lower
Your Daily Self-Consciousness...

Sean Cooper,
Shyness & Social
Anxiety Expert

Now, back when I had really bad social anxiety I felt VERY self conscious almost every time I was out in public...

In fact, even if I walked into a store to buy something, I felt self-conscious about the strangers at the store watching me.

And I know how crazy this sounds... but I FELT like random people were critically judging everything about me...

I felt they were judging everything from my clothing and appearance... to how I moved and talked... even what I was buying!

And because I felt like other people were critically judging me, I felt self conscious and awkward all the time in public.

If this describes you, then the technique I'm about to show you will definitely help you...

And even if your self-consciousness isn't as bad, I'm sure you'll find this very useful...

First let me ask you...

When you're walking around outside or buying something in a store, what are you paying attention to?

Are you paying attention to getting done what you need to get done ... or are you also paying too much attention to all the random people around you?

Here's a simple truth...

Self-Consciousness Starts With The
Direction That You Put Your Focus

So if you're paying too much attention to random strangers during daily life, it's a sign that you care what they think of you too much.

Your self-consciousness is revealing that you care too much about predicting and controlling other people's view of you.

You want to make sure that nobody thinks anything bad about you.

That's why, when you feel self-conscious, you're usually very paranoid about "fitting in" to what other people find normal and acceptable.

For example, when you feel self conscious, do you ever have thoughts like these:

And this is just 3 examples of how trying to predict and control what other people think of you can make you feel out-of-place, judged and awkward.

Now that I've explained how self-consciousness is caused by too much focus on other people, the question you may now have is...

"How do I fix it?"

Well, you have to learn to REDIRECT YOUR FOCUS.

I found that I was able to lower my self-consciousness dramatically when I stopped paying so much attention to random strangers.

I put them in the background of my attention and focused more on whatever I was doing.

I developed more of a TUNNEL VISION in my daily life.

And This Is What I Call My
"Tunnel Vision Technique"
For Overcoming Self-Consciousness...

Let me explain it like this...

Have you ever noticed how modern movies usually blur out the background during scenes?

That's because they want you to pay attention mostly to the main characters. They want you to focus on what matters, instead of what some random guy in the background of the scene is doing.

Here's an example of this:

And if you want to overcome self-consciousness, then you should also mentally "blur out" those random people that will never make a difference in your life.

I'll give you a couple of practical examples...

This is really how most people live.

Most People Are Living In Their Own
Movie, With Little Attention Paid
To The Background Characters...

And if you're someone who often feels awkward or self-conscious just walking down the street or going to the store, then you should become more self-focused, too.

Realize that the impression you make on those random people in the grocery store will NEVER have any real impact on your life... so it's not worth the energy to focus on them and try to make them see you a certain way.

By putting less focus on other people, you're placing your own opinion of yourself over other people's opinions of you -- which is a HUGE key to overcoming shyness or social anxiety.

Here's another totally different example...

How To Stop Getting Overwhelmed and Intimidated
When Speaking In Front Of Many People...

Have you ever noticed that it's much harder to talk to someone and keep a conversation going in a public place compared to a private place?

This happened to me all the time...

I could usually talk to people one-on-one in a private room just fine, but if we were talking in a crowded cafe or in a line where other people might overhear the conversation, then I'd always get overwhelmed and intimidated.

The way I solved this issue was - again - by learning how to create a "tunnel vision."

I practiced focusing almost exclusively on the one person I was talking to and mentally "blurred out" all those other people nearby in the background.

(This type of focus is actually something most people who don't have shyness or social anxiety do naturally.)

So whenever you feel self-conscious, try to push the person or people causing your self-consciousness out of your field of attention.

Push them out of your field of attention.

Pretend as if they don't exist for a minute.

Make sure you practice this "Tunnel Vision Technique" in the future whenever you feel self-conscious.

Keep in mind that this isn't a "magic bullet" that will instantly erase all of your self-consciousness.

Focusing in this way is a SKILL that you get better at over time.

As you get the hang of it, it'll become easier to behave in a more natural and relaxed way around people.

And if you found this article useful,
Then here's what to do next...

In this video I'll explain how you can learn my BEST techniques and advice for overcoming social anxiety or shyness. (This article is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what I can teach you.)

So click here now to watch my free presentation on shyness or social anxiety...